2010 11 02 i was in my mom's at-home office at night, playing around with my old laptop and some new cheap neural interface sensors. i finally managed to get the computer to play a music file based on my concentrating on the command, as a proof of concept. this seemed like a big deal at the time and i was very excited about it, but when explaining what i had accomplished to my mom i sort of overstated what i had done and felt worried that she would question my accomplishment. i sat there watching the snow-covered yard for a while, and a rabbit passed by. shortly afterward a fox passed by, tracking the rabbit. the next day i was waiting for the bus across town when i ran into my small asian female friend, (piya?) and we walked over to her place, which was sort of like the red house but an apartment, which she shared with some other students. greg witt was asleep in his bed when we arrived. we were both feeling nappish so we took a nap in her bed, and i fondled her bottom but she made a fussy noise so i left it at that. when i woke up i started flipping through a book of optical illusions on the coffee table. the illusions were all based around the way the eye perceives a smooth gradient as being more solid when not looking directly at it. there were several familiar illusions which i immediately recognized: the princess and the courtyard, (her bodice turns into the front of the mansion) two young ladies and one old lady, etc. i flipped to the front of the book and considered marking alex farley's name on the inside cover, since it was his book and i didnt want it to get lost in the shuffle. or maybe his name was already there, i forget. in the apartment there was a sassy beach bum cowboy dude doing something with a metal turning lathe, and i politely sat there listening to him tell me about how much of a big and strong and dumb athlete alex farley was, even though it totally disjoint from my experience. after all, alex was an architecture student at MIT right? but this guy was telling me that he used to be in the olympics. i flipped an abused mis-shapen lump of steel that used to be covered in yellow paint around in my hands, considering how to turn it into a carbide insert tool holder.