#for each 5 frames in the source we only keep 1 mkdir frames5 time mplayer nucleostream-wip.mp4 -vf-add framestep=5 -x 480 -y 270 -vf-add scale -vo jpeg,outdir=frames5 mv *jpg frames5 #using the same color map for all frames reduces file size and flickering #but unfortunately this video has a lot of unnecessary noise added to it to represent water reflection caustics or something convert frames5/0000050.jpg -geometry 480 -dither none -colors 63 colormap63.gif cd frames5/ mkdir gifs time for i in 0*jpg ; do convert $i -geometry 480 +dither -map ../colormap63.gif gifs/${i%jpg}gif ; echo $i; done du -hs gifs/ cd .. #O3 is high optimization, d is delay in hundredths of a second, l0 loops forever time gifsicle -O2 -d10 -l0 frames5/gifs/0*gif > nucleostream_framestep5_63c_480x270_d10_O2_l0.gif