#what this is: #a list of actually useful leaf nodes that you want on your debian based system #it's better to go through and pick the sections you want, instead of downloading them wholesale abiword # word processor acpi-support adanaxisgpl #3d game agrep #approximate grep aircrack-ng #wifi hacking alpine #terminal based mail client anacron anki #memorization flashcard software antiword #ms word to txt apt-file #search for a file in debian apt-rdepends #see what depends on this package arduino #AVR microcontroller programming IDE asciidoc #wiki format audacious #gtk audio player audacity #audio editor autoconf #code configurator autocutsel #supposed to fix paste buffer issues but doesn't really avidemux #video editor avidemux-cli avidemux-qt battery-stats bcmwl-modaliases #wifi drivers blender #3d editor and animation bluez-utils #bluetooth drivers bugs-everywhere #in-version-control bug tracker byzanz #screen capture bzflag #3d tank game calcurse #terminal based calendar (crashes, make sure you turn on autosave) ccache #speed up compiling checkinstall #make your own deb package of compiled code clive #video downloader cmake #code configurator compiz #3d window manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra computer-janitor-gtk contextfree #art generator csh #shell cuneiform #easy ocr dadadodo #spam generator debfoster #package system decrufter denyhosts #automatically blocks ssh attacks dgen #sega genesis emulator dia #flowchart software dict #crappy dictionary diff dillo #fast simple web browser djview #ebook viewer djvulibre-bin #ebook format dos2unix #removes carriage returns e2undel #ext2 undelete utility eagle #circuit board editor electricsheep #screensaver elinks #terminal based web browser enblend #panorama photo tool exif #photo metadata exiftran #photo metadata ext3grep #ext3 undelete utility exuberant-ctags #vim code plugin fb-music-high #bubble game ffmpeg #video codec kit finger #heh heh heh flac #audio compression codec flake #audio compression codec flashplugin-nonfree #fer dem cat vids flickrfs #uploading to flickr flite #text to speech synthesis foomatic-db-compressed-ppds #printer drivers fortunes-bofh-excuses #ready made excuses fortunes-off #objectionable content fortunes-spam #like a fortune cookie, but meatier freeglut3-dev #opengl dev freenect #kinect drivers fslint #supposedly checks for duplicate files, takes forever gconf-editor #if you don't have all of gnome installed, this helps to fix broken things sometimes gdm-guest-session #guest login configurator gdmap #disk usage visualizatoin geda #circuit board editor gedit #gtk text editor geoip-bin #ip geolocator gimp-plugin-registry gimp-resynthesizer #blends textures together git-daemon-run #umm i forget gitk #git gui glipper #clipboard history; supposed to fix paste bugs but doesn't gnome-accessibility-themes #dark theme gnome-bluetooth gnome-codec-install gnome-disk-utility gnome-mag gnome-screensaver gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes-ubuntu gnome-utils gnumeric #spreadsheet google-chrome-beta #web browser googleearth #hours of fun gphoto2 #for old digital cameras gpsman #gps receiver utilities graphviz #network diagram generator h264enc #video codec handbrake-cli #video codec helper program handbrake-gtk #video codec helper program heroku-toolbelt #yeah whatever hfsplus #mac filesystem drivers hfsutils #mac filesystem drivers hibernate #extended low power sleep mode hplip-gui #printer driver htop #process management human-theme #dunno if i actually use this icewm #window manager icewm-gnome-support id3tool #mp3 metadata id3v2 #mp3 metadata indicator-applet-session #gnome crap inkscape #vector graphics editor ipython #python shell irssi #irc client istanbul #screen capture jackd #audio routing layer joystick #joystick driver kicad #circuit board editor language-pack-gnome-en #don't install lib* unless you need it libapache2-mod-php5 #for wiki software libapache2-mod-wsgi #for python web frameworks that use wsgi libasound2-dev #alsa dev libaubio-dev #speech detection? libaubio-doc libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-thread1.38.0 libclutter-gtk-0.10-0 libcompress-bzip2-perl libcvaux-dev libdc1394-22-dev libdevil-dev libeigen2-dev libfftw3-dev libfreezethaw-perl libftdi-dev libgail-common libgdata-common libglut3 libglut3-dev libgnome-keyring1.0-cil libgnomepanel2.24-cil libgpgme11 libgpod-common libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libgtkglext1-dev libgwt-dev-java libhighgui-dev libhyphen0 libjack-jackd2-dev libloudmouth1-0 liblouis-data libltdl-dev libm17n-0 libmono-addins0.2-cil libmono-data-tds2.0-cil libmpfr1ldbl libndesk-dbus1.0-cil libparse-debianchangelog-perl libportaudio0 libpostproc-dev libpth-dev libpulse-browse0 libqt4-dev libqt4-sql-sqlite librsvg2-bin libsensors3 libsexy2 libsqlite3-dev libstlport4.6ldbl libusplash0 libuuid-perl libwmf0.2-7-gtk libwps-0.1-1 libwxgtk2.8-dev libxcb-render-util0 libxml2-dev libxp6 links2 #terminal based web browser linux-generic #it's better than hurd at least lynx #terminal based web browser mailsync #backs up gmail to local, extremely slow mbr #dunno why i needed this meld #visual diff. i like kompare better but this works without kde mesa-utils #glxgears minicom #serial communications moc-ffmpeg-plugin #for playing m4a files in moc mouseemu #middle click for macs mp3rename #renames based on id3 tags mpc #streaming music client mpg123-alsa #lightweight mp3 codec mpg321 #lightweight mp3 codec (but not as good as mpg123) mypaint #simple drawing program; works well with wacom tablets namazu2 #search engine nautilus-dropbox #dropbox plugin nautilus-sendto nautilus-share ncdu #terminal based disk usage viewer network-manager #for picking wifi networks non-free-codecs notify-osd #desktop independent notifications framework numptyphysics #physics puzzle game ocropus #umm, something about tesseract ocr octave3.2 #like matlab onboard #on screen keyboard openexr #manipulating true high dynamic range images openexr-viewers #viewing true high dynamic range images openntpd #time synchronization openprinting-ppds #printer drivers openssh-server #secure shell openssl-blacklist #insecure shells org-mode #emacs todo list pcmciautils #laptop expansion card drivers pdfcrack #sometimes pdfs have unknown passwords pdftk #merge and split pdf documents pgpgpg #gpg compatibility with pgp picocom #serial communications poc-streamer #streaming music utility powertop #what's using the battery psfontmgr pstoedit #postscript converter pstotext #postscript converter alternative pump #dhcp client pxljr #printer driver pycam #cnc machining software pyqt4-dev-tools python-cheetah python-cherrypy3 python-configglue python-couchdb python-crypto python-django python-django-doc python-docutils python-dulwich python-feedparser python-fstab python-gnomekeyring python-gnuplot python-ibus python-numeric python-opencv python-processing python-psyco python-pyaudio python-pycurl python-pygame python-pyinotify python-pyrex python-pysqlite2 python-qt4-dev python-qt4-gl python-rdflib python-rsvg python-scikits-learn python-scikits-learn-doc python-scipy python-simplecv python-speechd python-sqlite python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol python-virtualenv python-webkit python-yaml python2.7 python2.7-doc qcad #dxf cad drawing program qcad-data rar #windows archive format recover #ext2 undelete utility scim-skk #japanese text input scons #code configurator, like make service-discovery-applet #it would be nice if this actually did anything setserial #serial port configurator simple-scan #document scanning GUI skype #IP phone and chat smbclient #for connecting to samba file servers sndfile-tools #generate spectrograms? snmp #send mail sox #play audio splix #printer driver sqlite #database sqlite3 #database sqlitebrowser #database viewer sshfs #mount filesystems over ssh streamer #webcam recording subversion #obsolete version control sun-java6-jdk #obsolete programming language sun-java6-plugin #firefox java applets swig #python code interface layer system-config-printer-gnome testdisk #undelete files from disks and cameras torus-trooper #arcade game tracker-explorer #fast full text file search transmission-gtk #bittorrent client tree #file/directory visualization ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-khmeros-core ttf-lao ttf-opensymbol ttf-punjabi-fonts ttf-takao-pgothic ttf-thai-tlwg ttf-vlgothic ttf-wqy-microhei ttf-wqy-zenhei typespeed #typing game ubuntu-artwork ubuntu-docs ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-sounds ubuntu-standard ubuntu-xsplash-artwork units #calculator for converting furlong^3 to kilderkin unrtf #text de-format usb-creator-gtk #make a usb boot disk uw-imapd #for using IMAP mail protocol with alpine view3ds #3d file viewer virtualbox-guest-additions vlc #video player wavemon #terminal based wireless signal strength graph whois #internet lookup utility wicd #alternative to networkmanager for picking wifi networks wicd-cli wicd-curses wine #windows compatibility layer wireshark #ethernet packet sniffer wmgui #wiimote utility wminput #wiimote driver wondershaper #easy network traffic shaping policy x264 #video codec xawtv #webcam viewer xbl #3d tetris xcalib #invert screen etc xjewel #bubble game xmlstarlet #xml diff xorg #graphics n windows hoo rah xsane #scanner drivers xsel #use paste buffer from shell xserver-xorg-input-synaptics #touchpad driver xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse xserver-xorg-input-wacom #tablet driver xserver-xorg-video-v4l #webcam driver xzoom #screen magnifier #lxde window manager and desktop lxde-core lxinput lxappearance lxde-icon-theme lxrandr lxshortcut lxterminal lxdm lxtask gucharmap hardinfo gtk3-engines-unico lxpanel-indicator-applet-plugin network-manager-gnome sakura #other stuff not in debfoster keepers file: base-files #important shit for posix bzip2 #better than gzip coreutils #more important shit cups #printer drivers curl #url fetcher dpkg #package manager espeak #text to speech synthesizer evince-gtk #pdf viewer exactimage #alternative image conversion faac #audio codec fancontrol fontconfig-config #the more configurator configurators the better fortunes #hours of fun fortune-mod #more fun frozen-bubble #bubble game fuse-utils #userspace filsystem gnuplot #graphing program gzip #compression format hdparm #spin down disk drives etc imagemagick #convert image formats iproute #networking iptables #advanced networking ispell #spelling corrector jackd2 #audio layer kakasi #japanese text input lame #audio format less #text viewer lighttpd #simple web server lzma #compression format mencoder #video encoder mplayer #video player meshlab #3d viewer mlocate #fast file search moc #terminal based music player mtpaint #lightweight drawing program nano #text editor netbase #networking ntpdate #time synchronization nut-nutrition #usda food data ocrfeeder #point and click ocr p7zip-full #compression format parted #hard disk partition editor patch #apply diffs to files powermgmt-base screen #terminal multiplexer sed #shell text manipulation sensible-utils strace #show files and system calls used by a running program sudo time telnet psmisc #process management traceroute #network diagnostic tzdata #timezone unzip #compression format usbutils #lsusb uswsusp #suspend vim #text editor w32codecs #proprietary video codecs wget #web download utility xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xserver-xorg #as if this wouldnt get pulled in by something else xterm #in case sakura fails xz #compression format zip #compression format syndaemon #fix accidental touchpad paste while typing: syndaemon -i1 -d -t -K #other stuff possibly of interest bash-completion #slows down your shell, but only tab completes valid files and program options kate #kde advanced text editor kolourpaint #kde basic drawing program konqueror #kde web browser ntop #local network traffic analysis