= TODO == Bugs inserts should allow multiple breps with different style etc... ifc materials are unfinished, currently only do colour gates for back gardens narrower gate without pillars stairs have no maximum flight length stairs have no landing rail stairs extend below ground Account for variable height street edges, no more floating front doors. 'node' coordinates should have Z component, and 'elevation' value should shift with location of entry position Fenestration, heads of windows should align when cills vary. Top floor windows clash with bed mould Stair_Fit() method doesn't account for non-rightangled spaces, two corner and four corner situation should account for opposite corners, and for which walls are longest Windows take no account of stair location doors are not swing handed Molior insert is too low level, should be a string of inserts placed on a path. Sending SIGINT or SIGTERM to homemaker.pl should terminate sub processes but doesn't homemaker.pl should skip dependencies that no longer exist and can never be satisfied == Features molior-ifc writes profiles multiple times, should be shared like BREPs Abandon DXF to target only IFC. stairs and roofs currently use hack to repurpose DXF geometry for IFC. IFC library products? ifc files should be more parametric, windows/doors should be in coordinate space of wall direction, mouldings should share path coordinates with walls, walls should inherit path coordinates from walls below ifc doors and windows should have 2d representations ifc walls and slabs should have 2d representation, volumes and areas Molior should have a gbXML target in addition to DXF and IFC, this will be 'easy' ifc site geometry propagate fitness information for buildings etc... to molior and IFC files stairs should run both anticlockwise and clockwise sahn areas above sahn areas could become circulation using perimeter gallery/stairs new type R[etail] for shop/cafe/restaurant/bar, value config option for area/frontage Homemaker, ignore dependencies further than set distance Homemaker in general needs more tools for queue management feature to force kitchen on ground floor and/or dirty kitchen on top floor urb-shuffle should do a linear search to find exact wall position Style should be modifiable by a scalar fanciness field centred around entrances, and heavy/light field related to height. new extrusions for floor bands, ground level, interior cornice and skirting. extrusions need to be interruptible by windows and doors. intermittent should just be an extrusion with intermittent set via DXF profile layer, linetype or other attribute patterns/fitness should be factored into separate modules for each test, divided by patterns that apply to room, storey and building scales == Future projects fitness: parameters could be determined through analysis of cohorts of existing buildings, by constructing .dom files and optimising the parameters for maximum collective score for each building type. More, better and varied styles/skins need devising insert system allows fitting objects to spaces, so should be used for fitting kitchens, beds etc.. == Topologist non-horizontal/vertical planes and odd vertical planes become ifcextrudedareasolid/ifcroof multiple meshes, multiple buildings more chains for string course etc.. entities need some kind of reproducible id locate doors for stair fitting rooms should only have one external door differentiate between street and party wall boundaries Calculate fitness for constrained topologic style geometry, propagate to IFC annotation. Interactive tool that displays fitness and 3d model for constrained topologic style geometry.