Jim Cast
Headquarters, Washington, DC             January 12, 1995
(Phone:  202/358-1779)

Dom Amatore
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
(Phone:  205/544-6533)

RELEASE:  95-1


     NASA today issued two Cooperative Agreement Notices 
(CANs) requesting proposals for the development of 
technology demonstrators for a Reusable Launch Vehicle 
(RLV) program.

     The goal of the RLV technology program is the 
continued lowering of the cost of access to space to 
promote the creation and delivery of new space services and 
other activities that will improve economic 
competitiveness.  The Program will implement the recently-
released National Space Transportation Policy, specifically 
Section III, paragraph 2(b):  "Research shall be focussed 
on technologies to support a decision, no later than 
December 1996, to proceed with a sub-scale flight 
demonstration which would prove the concept of single-stage 
to orbit."  

     Sponsored by NASA's Office of Space Access and 
Technology (OSAT), the "X-34" CAN is intended to:  (1) 
stimulate the joint industry/Government-funded development 
of a small reusable, or partially-reusable, booster that 
has potential application to commercial launch vehicle 
capabilities and which will provide significantly reduced 
mission costs for placing small payloads into a low Earth 
orbit and, (2), demonstrate technologies that have 
application to future reusable launch vehicle systems.  
Some of these technologies may be demonstrated as a part of 
the basic booster design and some through test bed 
application of the booster for demonstration of alternate 

     The development schedule should support flight tests 
beginning in late-1997, orbital launch by mid-1998 and test 
bed applications later in 1998.  Offerers must submit 
proposals in response to this CAN by Feb. 24, 1995.   NASA 
may fund one or more proposals and industry cost-sharing 
contributions will be required to match on a cumulative 
basis, as a minimum, the NASA funds provided directly to 
the offerer under the resulting Cooperative Agreement.  The 
current expected NASA program funding for the X-34, through 
FY 1999, is $70 million.


     The second CAN released today is intended to stimulate 
the joint industry/government co-funded concept definition 
and design of a technology demonstrator vehicle, designated 
the "X-33," followed by the design/demonstration of a 
competitively selected concept or concepts. 
     The X-33 must adequately demonstrate the key design 
and operational aspects of a reusable space launch system 
so as to reduce the risk of developing such a commercially-
viable launch system.

     The performance period for Phase I, the concept 
definition/design phase, is 15-months.  The results of 
Phase I will provide the basis for a White House decision 
on whether or not to proceed with Phase II, which includes 
design, building and flight demonstration of the X-33.  
Pending the decision to proceed, Phase II would initiate by 
the end of FY 1996 and continue through the end of the 
decade.  The results of Phase II would be utilized by the 
Government and private sector to decide whether or not to 
proceed with development of an operational next-generation 
reusable launch system.

     Offerers must submit proposals for Phase I/X-33 
activities by Feb. 24, 1995.  Multiple awards for Phase I 
are planned during which each participant shall mature its 
total X-33 business investment strategies and planning, 
operations planning and vehicle design and analysis with 
detail sufficient to permit competitive selection of 
industry partner(s) and their X-33 design concept(s) at the 
end of the period.

     Significant cost-sharing by industry is anticipated 
during Phase I.  Although no minimum percentage is 
specified for Phase I, NASA reserves the right to specify 
minimum sharing requirements for Phases II and III.  
Current expected funding by the government during Phase I 
(in FY 1995) is $18 million.  As a guide for the 
preparation of proposals, the potential level of government 
funding estimated to be available through FY 1999 for the 
X-33 is approximately $650 million.

     Participation in this program is open to all 
categories of organizations, both domestic and foreign.  
Organizations include large businesses, small businesses, 
small disadvantaged businesses, educational institutions, 
non-profit organizations, NASA Centers and Federal, State 
and local government agencies.

     The Office of Space Access and Technology conducts 
space research and development through sponsorship of 
technology programs conducted at NASA Field Centers, in 
U.S. industry, and in American universities.  The OSAT 
Space Transportation Division supports these activities by 
sponsoring the development of the next generation RLV 
technologies.  NASA's RLV Technology Program will 
accelerate the development and application of new space 


technologies and operational concepts to contribute to the 
continuing commercialization of the national space launch 

                     - end -

NOTE TO EDITORS:  Copies of both CANs are available for 
review in the NASA Headquarters and Marshall Space Flight 
Center Newsrooms (phones:  202/358-1600 and 205/544-0034, 
respectively).  Further administrative and contractual 
information may be obtained from the Marshall Space Flight 
Center, Huntsville, AL, at 205/544-0381.  Additional 
technical information may be obtained, also from Marshall, 
at 205/544-0366.  The CANs are available over the internet 
world wide web at 

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message to  In the body of the message 
(not the subject line) users should type the words 
"subscribe press-release" (no quotes).  The system will 
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