
CBD Issue:9/29/1994

NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Program Development Directorate,
Marshall Space Flight Center, AL [35812]

Contact Technical Representative Robert E. Austin/PT01,
205-544-0633/Contracting Officer, Mark R. Stiles/GP54, 205-544-0381 Advanced
Technology Demonstrator (X-33): NASA plans to issue a Cooperative Agreement
Notice (CAN) using a progressive competition approach. X-33 will serve as an
integrated systems testbed for advanced launch technologies applicable to a
future Single State To Orbit (SSTO) rocket powered Reusable Launch Vehicle
(RLV). NASA is coordinating with the Department of Defense relative to the
program activities. Key technologies include: (1) Reusable Cryogenic tank
system, (2) Graphite composite primary structure, (3) Durable thermal
protection systems, (4) Reusable propulsion systems, (5) Autonomous flight
control and (6) Operable systems. Key aspects of the X-33 design and
operations must demonstrate applicability to and/or meet requirements of the
full scale SSTO. Initial proposals will be solicited for a planned thirteen
(13) month X-33 Preliminary Design Phase with multiple Cooperative Agreements
anticipated. At the end of the Preliminary Design Phase, proposals are planned
to be solicited for the follow-on Flight Demonstration Phase, and competitive
selection(s) made. The CAN is planned to be released at an industry briefing
on October 19, 1994, at MSFC, Building 4200, Room P110, at 9:00 AM. Those
planning to attend should provide a list of attendees, not to exceed three
from each company, to Mark Stiles/GP54, 205-544-0381/fax 4401. Any award is
subject to availability of funds. Written requests for copies of this CAN must
be made to Mark Stiles/GP54, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
35812. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which will be considered.

To view Cooperative Agreement Notice click here