
CBD Issue:10/13/1994

NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Program Development Directorate,
Marshall Space Flight Center, AL [35812]

POC Contact Technical Representatives Robert E. Austin/PT01, 205-544-0633 or
John W. Cole/PT01, 205-544-4290/Contracting Officer, Mark R. Stiles/GP54,
205-544-0381 This is a revision to the Advanced Technology Demonstrator, X-33,
synopsis published in CBD on September 29, 1994. The X-33 Cooperative
Agreement Notice (CAN) is now planned to be released subsequent to approval of
the NASA Implementation Plan submitted in response to the direction as stated
in the National Space Transportation Policy NSTC-4 signed August 5, 1994. At
the industry briefing on October 19, 1994, NASA plans to provide background on
NASA's Reusable Launch Vehicle technology program, provide an integrated
picture of overall program planning which includes a series of Demonstrators
(X-vehicles), issue drafts of the X-33 and X-34 CANs, and identify Government
points of contacts at various Government locations. Comments on the X-33 and
X-34 draft CANs will be accepted until COB November 2, 1994. The X-34, Small
Reusable Booster Demonstrator, CAN is to solicit proposals for joint
government/industry funded cooperative agreement(s) that would demonstrate key
technologies applicable to future reusable launch vehicles and which could
have potential application to commercial launch capabilities. The X-34 must
demonstrate vehicle reusability and operability concepts that assure low cost
operations and rapid processing for re-flight. The X-34 schedule should
support test flights beginning no later than mid 1997, orbital launch by early
1998, and test bed applications later in 1998. The resultant X-34 cooperative
agreements will require cost sharing by industry, matching direct government
funding as a minimum requirement, due to the potential commercial launch
capability likely to result from the X-vehicle effort. For planning purposes,
offerors may assume that the X-33 and X-34 CANs will be released in the
mid-November 1994 timeframe. Those planning to attend the industry briefing
should provide a list of attendees to Mark Stiles/GP54,205-544-0381, fax 4401.
Any award is subject to availability of funds. Proposals will be evaluated by
peer and/or technical reviews after receipt of proposals. Written requests for
copies of the CANs must be made to Mark Stiles/GP54, Marshall Space Flight
Center, Huntsville, AL 35812. All responsible sources may submit a proposal
which will be considered. (0284)

To view Cooperative Agreement Notice click here (X-33) or here here (X-34)