
Issue Date:  12/11/95

NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Procurement Office, Marshall 
Space Flight Center, AL 35812

Contact Contracting Officer, Mark Stiles, GP54, 205-544-0381, Contract Specialist, 
Hilda Davis, GP54, 205-544-0342, NASA plans to issue a Cooperative Agreement 
Notice (CAN) via NASA Acquisition Internet Service (NAIS) to solicit proposals for 
a joint government/industry funded cooperative agreement that would demonstrate 
Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) technologies to support government and private 
sector decisions by the end of this decade on development of an operational 
next-generation reusable launch system. NASA is continuing with a progressive 
competition, from the X-33 Phase I cooperative agreements awarded in March 1995, 
with the issuance of this CAN for Phase II. A draft CAN for X-33 is planned to 
be released for information on or about December 15, 1995. Copies of the draft 
CAN, final CAN planned for release on or about April 1, 1996, and any amendments, 
will be available only by downloading from the internet. The CAN is for the 
design, fabrication, and flight test of the X-33. The X-33 must adequately 
demonstrate the key design and operational aspects of a SSTO Reusable Launch 
Vehicle (RLV) rocket system so as to reduce the risk to the private sector in 
developing such a commercially viable launch system. The X-33 must adequately 
demonstrate vehicle reusability and operability concepts that assure low cost 
operations and rapid processing for re-flight. The development schedule should 
support test flights beginning no later than March 1999. The resultant X-33 
cooperative agreement will require cost sharing by industry. Any award is 
subject to availability of funds. Receipt of proposals is planned for on or 
about May 14, 1996. The draft CAN and final CAN will be in Rich Text Interchange 
(RTF) and Microsoft Word 6.0 format and reside on a World-Wide Web server, which 
may be accessed using client browsers, such as MOSAIC, Netscape, etc. The WWW 
address, or URL, of the MSFC Procurement Office home page is 
"". Prospective offerors shall notify this office 
of their intent to submit an offer or interest in subcontracting opportunities. 
Written comments on the draft CAN are due by January 22, 1996. Responses to this 
synopsis shall be by Internet e-mail to or via facsimile 
to 205-544-4103 (Attn: GP54/H. Davis).