Tihamer “Tee” Toth-Fejel


General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems

Engineering Development and Integration Services, Secure Mission Solutions, Innovative Intelligence Group

Michigan Research and Development Center                  

Top Secret Clearance



BS, Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1976

MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 1984

        Thesis: “Self Test: From Simple Circuits to Self-Replicating Automata”

Artificial Intelligence classes, Stanford University, 1986-87

Fundamentals of Nanotechnology I and II, University of Michigan 2006-07



Senior research engineer with almost two decades of experience in advanced engineering development, from specification and design to implementation and analysis. Experienced in writing proposals, and designing and implementing complex software for GUI, decision support, and DB applications.


His 1996 “LEGOs to the Stars: Kinetic Cellular Automata, and Parallel Nanomachines for Space Applications” anticipated much of the subsequent work in modular robotics, and led to his being PI for the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts’ project “A Kinematic Cellular Automata Approach to Self-Replicating Systems” and co-PI for “Large-Product General-Purpose Design and Manufacturing Using Nanoscale Modules” (with Chris Phoenix).




Senior Research Engineer, General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems (2001- present)

Honorable Mention, GD-AIS Creative Technology Proposal Competition (2006)

GD-AIS President’s Technology Award, for five-member GEWIS team (2003)

Scientific Advisory Board of Nanorex, Inc (2005- present)

Steering Committee of the Nanomanufacturing Technical Group of the

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (2005- present; vice-chair 2006; chair 2007)

Advisory Board of The Nanoethics Group (2005- present)

Foresight Institute (member 1987-present; author of 6th Challenge)




General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems – June 2001 to Present

Senior Research Engineer, Innovative Intelligence Group.

·        Responsible for software development of 2D charting and data processing for PRIZM, a tool for helping the National Infrastructure Coordinating Center operate its watch (Java).

·        Co-PI for a NIAC grant to study large product, general purpose nanofactories

·        Won and completed a NIAC grant to study an approach to self-replicating nanorobots. Cover story for General Dynamics AIS Magazine, Q1 2005

·        Implemented large portions of data fusion processing software for GEWIS, a tool for monitoring Internet health that won the General Dynamics AIS President’s Technology Award for 2003 (Java).

·        Helped design and implement architecture for an innovative software system that stylizes data and visually displays essential causal relationships in complex situations (3D Studio, Visual Basic, C++).

·        Designed and implemented a feature extraction module and 3D GUI for a track intent estimation system (Java).


Environmental Research Institute of Michigan  November 1998 to April 2001

Research Engineer.

·        Designed and implemented GUIs and other modules in network agent-based factory-floor planning system.

·        Helped distribute a Swarm-based application across a network using Java RMI

·        Developed innovative proposals and presented them to DARPA and other potential clients. 


Software Services/AT&T - March 1997 to October 1998

Software Analyst.

·        Developed and documented enhancements in various database manipulation, GUI, and I/O processing modules for telephone billing systems (C, ESQL/C, Unix shell scripts, and VB). 

·        Provided on-line documentation in html and grep-able in-line comments.

·        Modified existing code to solve user problems.


Sterling Commerce - March 1996 to Feb 1997

Software Analyst.

·        Designed and wrote GENTRAN:Server's Validation Suite, which automatically verified structure and functionality of a wide variety of internal client/server EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and external software, including Oracle, Sybase, and Informix database servers. 

·        Implemented , debugged, and documented Unix shell scripts and C programs on a wide variety of Unix platforms (HPUX, Solaris, NCR, SCO).


Ford/PTC/CDI - December 1993 to February 1996

Software Analyst.

·        Interviewed users , created specifications, designed, and implemented major portions of CDRS (Conceptual Design and Rendering System), a three dimensional CAD rendering package (Unix, Lisp, and C) used in Ford’s 2000x Design lab.  Included building GUIs, adding CAD functionality, and options for transferring native data into IGES and STL formats

·        Built automatic hypertexting software; interfaced new and existing documentation.


Industrial Technology Institute - May 1988 to December 1995

Research Engineer.

·        Designed and implemented an integrated hypertext tool for helping manufacturers adapt to a new technology standard.  Created functionality that the vendor had said was impossible under tight deadlines.  Significantly extended the functionality of the Xerox NoteCards hypertext system.

·        Developed major portions of Dr. Factory, a Bayesian decision support system that assisted consultants in finding problems and opportunities in manufacturing plants.

·        Wrote the technical portion of a joint ITI/USC proposal for NFS, “Development of a Two-Stage Model for Matching Advanced Manufacturing Technology” (which USC won).


Ford Aerospace - August 1984 to May 1988

Software Engineer.

·        Contributed significantly to the design and implementation of Paragon, a general-purpose knowledge acquisition and manipulation system


Micropower Systems – August 1978 to August 1981

Test Engineer

·        Wrote innovative software for ATE (Automatic Test Equipment); built and designed hardware to interface ATE with digital and analog integrated circuit chips (both wafers and DIP products).



Software Development, Simulation, Expert Systems, Nanotechnology



Operating Systems: MS Windows and Unix

Hardware Systems: IC die-level test engineering

Programming Skills: Java, Lisp, Matlab, VB, C++, Bourne shell, HTML, MaxScript.

Software Application Skills:  Too many to list: Two decades of experience on IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) in a variety of languages, including Java, VB, and C++; 3D software (development, modeling, and scripting), 2D graphic packages, Microsoft Office.



Co-Founder and member, Ann Arbor Chapter of the National Space Society 1988-present
Lecturer, Ann Arbor Schools Partners for Excellence 1990-93
Co-leader, Girl Scout Troop #2083 1993-95
Co-facilitator, Beginning Experience 1992-94
Finalist, Engineering Society of Detroit's Outstanding Civic Involvement, 1993
NCAA Division I All American 1976;

USA World Team 1978, 1979 (1st and 2nd alternate)