Mining Automation Bibliography

  • G. R. Baden & M. Scoble "Mine-wide information system development in Inco Limited", CIM ( Canadian Institute of Mining) Bulletin May 1992 p. 65.
  • G. R. Baiden, M. Scoble, S. Flewelling "Robotic Systems development for mining automation", CIM Bulletin July-August 1993 p. 75
  • G. R. Baiden E. Henderson "LHD Teleoperation and Guidance proven productivity improvement tools", Presented at CIM conference Toronto '94
  • G.R. Baiden "Combining teleoperation with vehicle guidance for improving LHD productivity at Inco Ltd." in "Innovative Mine Design for the 21st Century", p. 527, Ed's W.F. Bawden and J.F. Archibald, Pub. A.A. Balkema (Rotterdam 1993)

    Thanks are due to Dave Stephenson of the Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for supplying the initial entries to this bibliography.

    Note that G.R. Baiden is a researcher with Inco Mines at Sudbury.