The Space Index

A non-exhaustive index to space information. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the web, it is impossible to guaranteee that all pointers are valid. Caveat Emptor. However, I have attempted to keep the links up to date. If you find any links that don't work, contact the webmaster.

Advanced Physics

  • Physics servers and services around the world
  • University of Texas, Fusion Research
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • University of California, Berkeley, Plasma Theory and Simulation Group
  • The Institute for High Energy Physics (Russia)
  • Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Particle Physics Department
  • Physics News
  • Infinite Energy Magazine
  • ORNL Physics Division Home Page
  • Florida State University, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
  • MIT, Plasma Fusion Center Server
  • University of Maryland, Physics Department
  • University of Sydney, School of Physics
  • Stockholm University, Field and Particle Theory
  • European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Physics Department
  • Gopher Jewels: Physics
  • Galaxy: Physics (Science)
  • Horizon - The Time Lords BBC show on the physics of time travel

    Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • sci.aeronautics
  • rec.models.rockets
  • Aircraft Shopper Online
  • Dryden Research Aircraft Photo Archive
  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott Campus
  • Institute for Space & Terrestrial Science, Space Geodynamics Laboratory
  • ISU - International Space University
  • Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory . Includes info on NEAR.
  • Lunar Institute of Technology
  • NASA, Langley Aerothermodynamics Branch
  • Naval Research Lab
  • National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) (Netherlands)
  • NERC Satellite Station, Dundee University, UK
  • Space Science and Engineering Center
  • Stanford University, Space, Telecommunications, and Radioscience Laboratory
  • Texas Space Grant Home Page The Texas Space Grant Consortium was formed in 1989 in response to a NASA Announcement of Opportunity for Space Grant Colleges.
  • UNAVCO, the University NAVSTAR Consortium
  • Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
  • University of Alaska, Space Grant Program
  • University of Central Florida, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • University of Glasgow, Department of Aerospace Engineering
  • University of London, Imperial College, Department of Aeronautics


  • Chesley Bonestell Space Art Gallery

    Asteroids and Comets

  • Scott Hudson: Asteroid Shapes
  • Comet Busters - Peter Tyson

    Shoemaker-Levy 9

  • SL9 Observations in Massachusetts
  • Updated Welcome to the Planets
  • University of Rochester's Near Infrared Astronomy Group
  • Physics News
  • IfA -- Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact Home Page
  • Recently Acquired Images of SL9
  • Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (NSSDC)
  • ESO On-Line Information System
  • Astronomical pictures &animations
    Space Telescope Institute

    Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Astronomy Servers list from USGS
  • Messier Catalog
  • Astronomical pictures &animations
  • AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Home Page
  • Astronomy
  • Galaxy: Astronomy (Science)
  • Gopher Jewels: Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet (NWU)
  • StarTrax - the HEASARC World Wide Web archive interface
  • The First Three Seconds Not physics per se, but things to ponder late at night.


  • Einstein Observatory Database search
  • Simbad on the Web
  • The STScI Digitized Sky Survey

    Departments and Institutes

  • Astronomical Institute (Slovakia)
  • Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences (UCSD)
  • Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences at USU
  • Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Home Page
  • Florida Tech Physics and Space Sciences
  • Harvard-Smithsonian Theoretical Astrophysics Group
  • Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Home Page
  • Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
  • The Kapteyn Institute Information Server
  • Institute of Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics (Estonia)
  • Naval Research Lab Gamma and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics Branch
  • Rice University, Department of Space Physics and Astronomy
  • St. Mary's Astronomy and Physics
  • Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center
  • Theoretical Astrophysics Center (Copenhagen)
  • University of Amsterdam, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • University of California, Berkeley, Center for Particle Astrophysics
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, Astrophysics Group
  • UCSD Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences
  • U Hawaii Physics and Astronomy
  • University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • UMASS Amherst (Astronomy)
  • University of Minnesota, Astronomy Department
  • University of Oregon
  • University of Rochester's Near Infrared Astronomy Group
  • U Texas Austin Astronomy

    Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer

  • Center for EUVE Astrophysics Home Page

    Hubble Space Telescope

  • Hubble Space Telescope archives (retrieve results)
  • European facility
  • First repaired Hubble images
  • Space Telescope Electronic Information Service
  • The STScI Digitized Sky Survey
  • Shoemaker-Levy 9/Jupiter Images
  • Hubble telescope netnews (sci.astro.hubble)

    Journals and Magazines

  • ASTRONOMY Magazine
  • Icarus, the International Journal of Solar System Studies
  • Kapteyn Institute Preprints Astronomy preprints
  • NRAO Preprints and Published Papers

    News Groups

  • sci.astro
  • sci.astro.fits
  • sci.astro.research


  • Arecibo Observatory
  • Armagh Observatory Welcome Page
  • Einstein Observatory Database search
  • Einstein Online Service Harvard-Smithsonian
  • Gemini 8m Telescopes
  • Kitt Peak National Observatory Public Page
  • Lick Observatory, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • MicroObservatory Net
  • Millstone Hill Observatory (part of MIT)
  • Mount Wilson Observatory
  • National Optical Astronomy Observatories
  • NRAO Very Large Array Home Page
  • NRAO Socorro Home Page
  • NRAO Green Bank
  • National Solar Observatory
  • OAL . Observatoire Astrophysique de Lyon
  • Osservatorio Astronomico di Padov
  • Sacramento Peak Observatory
  • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  • SOFIA Home Page Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
  • University of Copenhagen, Observatory
  • U.S. Naval Observatory


  • Astronomy On-Line: Ireland
  • Astronomy Society of the Atlantic archives
  • Washington Area Astronomers


  • Armagh Planetarium Homepage
  • sci.astro.planetarium
  • Planetaria
  • Other Planetaria

    Solar Astronomy

  • SDAC Home Page . NASA Solar Data Analysis Center.
  • Daily sunspot number from 1818-1991
  • Total Solar Eclipse '94 Home Page (NASA)
  • Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center

    Tours, Exhibits, Educational

  • Franklin Institute, Science Learning Network
  • NSSDC Photo Gallery.
  • The Nine Planets, by Bill Arnett
  • The Solar System by Ken Edgett, Arizona State University.
  • Regional Planetary Image Facility, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC.
  • NASA Historical Space Archive
  • NASA K-12 Internet Initiative: Online from Jupiter
  • Earth and Universe . A multimedia guide to stars and galaxies.
  • Kid's Web - Astronomy and Space Educational space index


  • TRIUMF, Spanky Fractal Database . Images, documents.

    Commercial Space, General

  • Commercial Space Markets
  • Beef Jerky Artemis related product.
  • Celestis
  • Catalog Mart . Includes astronomy, space and model rocket catalogs.
  • Federal Express
  • M/B Research -- The Technology Brokers Carolyn Meinel. Consulting in space technology and other areas.
  • Welcome to SPACEZONE Live online audio broadcasts of Space Shuttle missions, NASA press conferences, mission summaries and other NASA related events


    Contractors, Aerospace Companies and such

  • Advent Launch Services
  • AIRFAX Online: Your IFE Home Page
  • Akjuit Aerospace/SpacePort Canada
  • The Boeing Home Page
  • The World Wide Web Aerospace Business Development Center
  • General Atomics
  • Hughes STX Corporation
  • InterGlobal Corp
  • Kistler Aerospace Corporation
  • Lockheed Martin
  • The Lunar Resources Company
  • Malin Space Science Systems Home Page
  • Pioneer Rocketplane Bob Zubrin, Mitchell Burnside Clapp, Buzz Aldrin, Kirby Ikin, investment people. The team alone makes this a serious proposition.
  • Reaction Engines Limited: Project SKYLON These seem to be following on from British Areospaces's HOTOL system. Under Launch systems ...
  • Rockwell International
  • RAND Home Page
  • Science Applications International Corporation
  • United Technologies Research Center
  • About the UoSAT Spacecraft Engineering Research Unit
  • United Space Alliance

    Earth and Space Sciences


  • Global Positioning System Overview
  • Institute for Space &Terrestrial Science, Space Geodynamics Laboratory
  • USGS Earth Sciences . Earth and Environmental Science includes climate, earthquakes, earth science, environment, gis, hydrology, and oceanography
  • NASA Planetary Data System Microwave Subnode .
  • Oceania -- Tapped Satellite Feeds
  • Gopher Jewels: Geology and Oceanography

    Planetary Climate and Weather

  • U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)
  • Global Oscillation Network Group
  • IGBP Main Page
  • NOAA
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database telnet
  • Current Weather Maps/Movies (MSU)
  • NCAR, CGD Server
  • University of Washington, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
  • University of California, San Diego, Climate Research Division
  • Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge
  • OSU Weather Gopher Includes GOES satellite images.
  • Physics 161 Fall 1997
  • NOHRSC Snow Maps
  • University of Oklahoma, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
  • University of Oklahoma, National Severe Storms Laboratory
  • Ohio State University, Atmospheric Science Program
  • Southern Regional Climate Center
  • Gopher Jewels: Meteorology

    Planetary Geology, Geography and Geophysics

  • Global Positioning System Overview
  • Map Projection Overview
  • Planetary Geology
  • Hydrology-Related Internet Resources
  • Earth Viewer View the Earth from any point in near space.
  • Latitude/Longitude - by city/town name
  • United States Geological Survey-HTTP Server-Home Page
  • Canadian maps
  • World Data Center A for Marine Geology &Geophysics . Full on-line inventory searches of all Marine Geology &Geophysics Division holdings.
  • National Earth Orientation Service (NEOS)
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
  • Keene State College, Earth &Environmental Science Server
  • Cornell University, Geological Science Department
  • ETH, Zurich, Dept. of Geodetic Sciences ETHZ
  • University College London, Department of Geography
  • Australian National University, Department of Geography
  • University of Edinburgh, Geology and Geophysics Department
  • University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
  • University of Texas, Austin, Institute for Geophysics
  • University of California, Los Angeles, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)
  • CSIRO (Australia), Division of Petroleum Resources
  • University of Pisa, Gruppo Nazionale di Vulcanologia
  • Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia (Catania)
  • Department of Oceanology and Environmental Geophysics (Trieste)
  • USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory "Volcano Watch"
  • Galaxy: Geography (Social Sciences)
  • Gopher Jewels: Geography

    Planetary Oceans

  • Univ of California, San Diego, Scripps Inst. of Oceanograph, Center for Coastal Studies
  • NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
  • Old Dominion University, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography
  • USGS, Coastal Ocean Modeling
  • University of Tokyo, Ocean Floor Geotectonics Division
  • University of Tokyo, Physical Oceanography Division
  • Australian Oceanographic Data Centre
  • World Data Center A for Marine Geology &Geophysics . Full on-line inventory searches of all Marine Geology &Geophysics Division holdings.
  • Department of Oceanology and Environmental Geophysics (Trieste)


  • Ace Science Fiction
  • FAQ for alt.books.isaac-asimov
  • Annals of Improbable Research

    Babylon 5

  • Greg Bear Official Fan Page
  • Catalog Mart . Includes astronomy, space and model rocket catalogs.
  • Craycroft Hobbies -- The Family Hobby Shoppe Ship and aircraft models.
  • Dark Carnival Online
  • The Dandelion Conspiracy
  • The Dilbert Zone

    Dr. Who

  • Doom II
  • Games Domain - Games related information site
  • Intergalactic Home Page . Space the final frontier - and a bit of fun.
  • Other Change of Hobbit
  • Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Marc Carlson's KNOWN SPACE Chronology The Larry Niven universe
  • Multiplayer Online Gaming -- A Video Game Yellowpages
  • Nessie on the Net in Scotland!

    Philadelphia Experiment

  • Pocket Books--Star Trek
  • Project Galactic Guide for the Web
  • Pulpless.Com [tm]
  • Random Factors Online filk distributor
  • Rocket Science Games

    Red Dwarf

  • Sarfatti - In the Thick of It!
  • J. Neil Schulman Home Page Includes full text of several of his Science Fiction novels!
  • Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
  • 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Lift Off! Welcome to SPACEZONE Live online audio broadcasts of Space Shuttle missions, NASA press conferences, mission summaries and other NASA related events

    SFF Net: Table of Contents

  • Subspace - online interactive game
  • Space Movie Archive


  • Starwatch Some science fiction and fantasy novels for sale.

    Von's Books

  • Where's the Filk? Filk Links




  • BNSC - British National Space Centre Home Page

    European Space Agency

  • Page d'accueil du CERT ONERA
  • DLR - Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
  • Italian Space Agency (ASI)
  • National Aerospace Laboratory NLR
  • National Space Development Agency (NASDA - Japan)
  • US/Russian Space Server

    US Government


  • National Science Foundation World Wide Web Server
  • Naval Research Lab
  • NOAA
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database telnet
  • The US Department of Transportation
  • Office of Air & Space Commercialization


  • Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
  • University of Colorado, Plasma and Accelerator Physics Group
  • Brookhaven National Lab., RHIC Remote Information Server
  • Dryden PhotoServer Index
  • Dryden Research Aircraft Photo Archive
  • Welcome to SPACEZONE Live online audio broadcasts of Space Shuttle missions, NASA press conferences, mission summaries and other NASA related events
  • The UNOFFICIAL Seattle Museum of Flight Home Page
  • The 390th Memorial Museum: Home Page "Our mission is to preserve the proud heritage of the original cadre, the ground support personnel, the aircrews, the staff, and commanders of the 390th Bombardment Group (Heavy)."

    Legal and Regulatory

  • The U.S. House of Representatives - Internet Law Library - U.S. Code US Legal Code has entries relevant to space.
  • Legal Information Institute

    Life, SETI and Extrasolar Planets

  • Alien Planet Designer - Select a Planet
  • Welcome to ArchServe! web services maintained for UCSB Faculty and Students. Much on Archaelogy.
  • Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
  • Extrasolar Visions

    HST Astrometry Team - Projects

  • The Kepler Mission Home Page Searching for Earth sized extrasolar planets.
  • PLANET homepage Search for extrasolar planets via microlensing events.
  • San Francisco State University Planet Search Project
  • SETI Institute Home Page

    Life Forms and Ecologies

  • University of Washington, U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)
  • Clemson University, Entomology Department
  • Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc
  • Fact Sheet: The Basking Shark

    Martian Microfossils

  • EurekAlert! Table of Contents
  • EurekAlert! Science Media
  • Possible Source Craters for Martian Meteorite Found
  • Signs of Past Life on Mars?

    Materials Science

  • JHU Homewood Campus and Divisions Releases In Earthbound Labs, Researchers Unravel the Low-Gravity Physics Of Outer Space
  • MIT, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Home Page
  • NIST, Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials Science


  • Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group (MMSG) . We keep all the Nanotechnology related materials here.


  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Public Affairs

  • Welcome to NASA Public Affairs
  • The NASA Newsroom
  • Today at NASA

    NASA Ames Research Center (ARC)

  • Ames Research Center
  • NASA Ames Archive
  • NASA Ames Research Center: Galileo Probe Galileo Probe Home Page
  • NASA Ames, new archive
  • Center for Mars Exploration
  • Mars Atlas home page
  • NASA K-12 Internet Initiative: Online from Jupiter
  • SOFIA Home Page Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy.

    NASA Langley Research Center (LARC)

  • Langley Research Center
  • NASA Larc Tech Reports archive
  • A canonical list of NASA online services
  • Another NASA root server
  • LARC Vehicle Analysis Branch
  • LARC Nasa image data
  • Langley Research and Technology Highlights
  • NASA, Langley Aerothermodynamics Branch

    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)

  • Goddard Space Flight Center
  • NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Goddard PAO pages
  • NASA Information Services via World Wide Web
  • Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Home Page
  • NASA'S Science Communications Strategy Final Report of the NASA Science communications working group (SCWG)
  • NASA, GSFC, Space Data and Computing Division
  • NASA, GSFC, Laboratory for Terrestrial Physics
  • IUE Data Analysis Center Home page Information on the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) space observatory.
  • SpaceOps HomePage
  • HEASARC World Wide Web archive interface
  • PDS Educational CD-ROM
  • CCSDS Recommendations
  • SAREX - Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment
  • NASA Information by Subject
  • HEASARC/GSFC Home Page
  • NASA, GSFC, Space Environment Information Service (EnviroNET)
  • NASA, GSFC, Software Assurance Technology Center
  • SDAC Home Page . NASA Solar Data Analysis Center.
  • Daily sunspot number from 1818-1991
  • Total Solar Eclipse '94 Home Page (NASA)
  • Other Eclipses

    National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)

  • National Space Science Data Center Online Data and Information Service (interactive session)
  • Index of /pub/models/
  • Venus FMAPs
  • NSSDC Near-Earth Heliosphere Data NSSDC OMNIWeb, Near-Earth Heliosphere Data.

    NASA Marshall space Flight Center (MSFC)

  • Marshall Space Flight Center
  • NASA Spacelink
  • Marshall Space Flight Center Procurement Home Page

    NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

  • Jet Propulsion Laboratory . NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • Galileo Mission to Jupiter
  • GPS Networks
  • TOPEX/Poseidon Mission
  • ASTER Instrument
  • ACTS Mobile Terminal
  • Welcome to the Planets
  • PDS Home Page The Planetary Data System (PDS) archives and distributes digital data from past and present NASA planetary missions, astronomical observations, and laboratory measurements.
  • The NASA/JPL Imaging Radar Home Page
  • Index of /pub/space/elements
  • Magellan Mission to Venus (JPL)
  • Space Calendar (JPL)
  • Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact from JPL
  • JPL Robotics

    NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC or H/MSFC)

  • Johnson Space Center
  • NASA Astronaut Biographies
  • Center for Advanced Space Studies (CASS) ([gopher] Johnson)
  • Repository Based Software Engineering (RBSE) . (JSC)
  • International Space Station Alpha (ISSA)

    NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC)

  • Kennedy Space Center
  • Orbiter Vehicles
  • Space Shuttle News Reference Manual
  • DE-TPO Home Page

    NASA Headquarters (NASA-HQ)

  • NASA Headquarters
  • Index of /pub/pao/presskit/1997

    NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC)

  • NASA/Lewis Research Center Home Page
  • NASA Lewis Public Affairs
  • ACTS Home Page
  • Power Systems Project Office

    NASA Dryden Flight Research Center (DRRF)

  • Dryden Flight Research Center
  • Dryden Research Aircraft Photo Archive

    NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

  • Goddard Institute for Space Studies

    NASA Scientific &Technical Information Program (STI)

  • Scientific &Technical Information Program

    NASA Information Center (NAIC)

  • Guide to NASA Online Resources


  • NASA Reference Book with pointers to learning resources
  • NASA/WVU Software Research Laboratory
  • Computer Software Management and Information Center (COSMIC) . (Univ. of Ga.)
  • Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) . (Cal Tech)
  • Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) . (Langley)
  • Microelectronics Research Center (MRC) . (U. Idaho)
  • National Technology Transfer Center . (Wheeling Jesuit College)
  • NASA Planetary Data System Microwave Subnode . (MIT)
  • Venus Magellan Image Browser
  • ASU Infrared Subnode Home Page . (ASU)

    Space Shuttle

  • Space Shuttle News Reference Manual
  • Shuttle Mission Information
  • Orbiter Vehicles
  • Index of /pub/pao/presskit/1997
  • SAREX - Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment

    Space Station

  • Power Systems Project Office
  • International Space Station Alpha (ISSA)


  • DIY Nukes
  • General Atomics
  • The High Energy Weapons Archive
  • HUT Nuclear Engineering Lab. Index Page
  • IN2P3 Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules - Lyon
  • IPN-Orsay Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (a Nuclear Physics laboratory in France)
  • IPNL . Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
  • ISN . Institut des Sciences Nucleaires - Grenoble
  • Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI, NDE)
  • Kurchatov Institute - Chernyobyl and its consequences
  • Nuclear Information Server
  • Radiation Effects Research Foundation
  • Todd's Atomic Homepage
  • U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research

    Online Publications, Media

  • ASTRONOMY Magazine
  • CNN - Tech Space Exploration Gallery
  • Cyber Times
  • Robert Davis' Destiny In Space A magazine and community like slashdot focused on space.
  • Florida Today
  • JONATHAN'S SPACE REPORT .Info on upcoming launches, etc.
  • NASA Daily News
  • Nature - International weekly journal of science
  • New Scientist Online A top flight publication. Accurate, fairly unbiased, topical.
  • Omni Online Magazine Omni has gone through phases. At its' best it can be brilliant; but at its' worst it belongs on the New Age shelf. It seems to be improving at present.

    Netnews Archives and FAQ's

  • Frequently Asked Questions (Sci.Space)
  • International Space University archives
  • Space Digest Archives 1980-present


  • Alternative astronomy AIPs (alt.sci.astro.aips)
  • Alternative planetery science (alt.sci.planetary)
  • Amateur radio, space interest netnews (
  • Astronomy (sci.astro)
  • FITS netnews (sci.astro.fits)
  • Hubble telescope netnews (sci.astro.hubble)
  • Model Rockets netnews (rec.models.rockets)
  • Planeteriums netnews (sci.astro.planetarium)
  • Space Policy netnews (
  • Space News netnews (
  • Space Science netnews (
  • Space Shuttle netnews ( Space Shuttle netnews
  • Space Tech netnews (

    Office of Technology Assessment Archive

  • 1986
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1993
  • 1994
  • 1995
  • SCIENCE On-Line
  • Science and Research News Releases
  • Scientific American Closely aligned with the "limits" crowd and thus rather negative on space settlement, space power, space resources, nanotechnology and such. Nonetheless, year and and year out it has some of the best cosmology and theoretical physics articles around.
  • Space Calendar
  • Space News (Amateur Radio) by KD2BR
  • "Virtual Brevard" , your hot spot for space related fun on the web, like the
  • WDVL

    Orbital Data

  • Coordinate Systems Overview
  • Global Positioning System Overview
  • Map Projection Overview
  • Orbital Element Sets: NASA, TVRO, Shuttle

    Orbital Element Sets: NASA, Molczan

  • Satellite Observering Resources
  • WinTrak/TRAKSAT Home Pages
  • Visual Satellite Observer's Home Page
  • Will Marchant's home page


  • 2111 FOUNDATION FOR EXPLORATION Grant support to expeditions with interests related to space and planetary exploration
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • The American Nuclear Society
  • AMSAT Home Page
  • The Artemis Society International
  • AspireSpace - The British Amateur Space/Rocket Programme
  • Astronomy On-Line: Ireland
  • Astronomy Society of the Atlantic archives
  • CalTech Space Society
  • The Canadian Space Society
  • Experimental Spacecraft Society
  • First Millenium Foundation
  • Foresight Institute
  • German Aeronautics and Aerospace Association
  • The International Space Exploration and Colonization Co (ISECCo)
  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • Interstellar Propulsion Society
  • Island One Society That's us!
  • Lunar Institute of Technology School of Mining
  • Minnesota L5 - Ben Huset . (Ben is the man behind the video camera at every ISDC and MSDC).
  • National Air and Space Society
  • National Space Society
  • Nordic Society of Space Research
  • PERMANENT: Asteroids, Space Development
  • SFWA - Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc.
  • Secção Aeroespacial
  • SETI Home Page
  • Space Access Society
  • Space Association of Australia, Inc.
  • The Space Frontier Foundation The Space Frontier Foundation is an organization of Americans dedicated to opening the high frontier of space to human exploration and settlement as soon as possible.
  • Space Launch Foundation
  • Space Station Future Fighters
  • Space Studies Institute
  • STAAR: Scottish Rocket Programme
  • Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
  • Tech Corps
  • UCLA Space Projects Group
  • Washington Area Astronomers


  • Rocket Scientist Private E-Mail Reserve
  • Dale Amon
  • Gregory Bennett
  • Dana Carson
  • Keith Cowing
  • Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
  • Julia Ecklar
  • Ken Jenks
  • Bill Gawne
  • Jonathan Goff That's me, the webmaster.
  • Bill Harwood
  • Ken Hollis
  • Geoffrey Landis
  • Will Marchant
  • Jonathan McDowell
  • Charles Radley
  • Alan Richmond
  • Woody Smith



    Sensing and Analysis

  • ASU Infrared Subnode Home Page
  • MIT Microwave Subnode Home Page
  • Oceania -- Tapped Satellite Feeds
  • University of South Florida, Signal and Image Processing Institute

    Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Demography &Population Studies - WWW Virtual Library
  • U. S. Bureau of the Census Home Page


  • Amsat ftp software archive
  • X/VICAR program
  • Ephemeris and Sat track software
  • Display, animation and other software (SEDS)
  • orb-parm.inf (2k) . Contains an explaination of the satellite file format.
  • SAOImage 1.18 - X11 FITS Viewer

    Space Activism

  • Educational Space Simulations Server
  • ISECCo Home Page
  • Minnesota L5 - Ben Huset . (Ben is the man behind the video camera at every ISDC and MSDC).

    National Space Society

  • Space Studies Institute
  • Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
  • The Tucson L5 Space Society

    Space Robotics

  • Lunar Rover Initiative: Home Page
  • JPL Robotics
  • University of Toronto, Ergonomics in Telerobotics and Control Laboratory (ETC)
  • Robotics Internet Resources
  • Stanford University, Aerospace Robotics Laboratory
  • University of California, Berkeley, Robotics and Intelligent Machines Lab
  • Live Robotic Teleoperation at USC

    Space Settlement

  • Bootstrap 2 "Bootstrapping Space Communities with Micro Rovers and High Tensile Boot Laces (Tethers): How to Start Building Cities and Factories Thoughout the Solar System, for What We Are Now Spending on Space.", Bruce A. Mackenzie

    Current Projects

  • ISECCo Home Page
  • PERMANENT: Asteroids, Space Development
  • Oceania -- The Atlantis Project
  • The Artemis Society
  • Exploration Document Index A good source of technical material on space colonization.

    Lunar Exploration

  • Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

    Clementine, Naval Research Lab

  • Colorado School of Mines

    Lunar Settlements

  • The Artemis Society
  • Lunar Oxygen
  • Space Technologies Lab: Popular Science Making Oxygen On The Moon, Joseph Baneth Allen, Popular Science, Aug 1995
  • EIC Index A very good index to full text papers on lunar bases. Go and get copies of all of them!!!
  • Apollo Lunar Surface Journal The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon in 1969 through 1972.
  • The Lunar Resources Company
  • Lunar Resources Company
  • International Lunar Exploration Working Group Representatives from many major space agencies around the world and is charged with developing an international strategy for the exploration of the Moon.
  • Lunar Rover Initiative: Home Page
  • Should We Return to the Moon? A WWW Public Policy Forum

    L5 Colonies

  • Space Settlement New pointer to NASA L5 Colony site
  • SSI Sample Slides - Island One

    Mars Settlements

  • Center for Mars Exploration
  • CNN - Mission: Mars - Nov. 7, 1996
  • Mars Direct Home Page


  • The Black Horse Page
  • Delta Clipper/SSRT Program
  • DCX images and information
  • Pioneer Rocketplane Bob Zubrin, Mitchell Burnside Clapp, Buzz Aldrin, Kirby Ikin, investment people. The team alone makes this a serious proposition.
  • Reaction Engines Limited: Project SKYLON These seem to be following on from British Areospaces's HOTOL system. Under Launch systems ...
  • The ROTON Page

    USSR, FSU, CSU, Russia, etc

  • Friends and Partners
  • Friends and Partners in Space US/Russian Info, by Jennifer Green


  • MIT space
  • CalTech IPAC space
  • DUT Section Space Research and Technology Home Page

    Other Indices

  • Robert Lentz's Space Resources
  • Mark Maimone's Home Page Return to Island One Dock