Visitors Book

Thank you for visiting our guest book. Here you will find comments from other folks that have been here before, as well as the links they have provided. If you wish to add your own comments (or link) to this page, click here.

Here's what other people have to say...

"Good service"
From :Frank Johnson
Saturday, January 21, 2006 from Boston, USA

" I've enjoyed this site immensely, although you should research magnetic bubble engines. My designs are nearly complete, now if I can just locate funding. Other systems are also finished on paper and I only need to build and integrate them. "
From :Matt J
Wednesday, July 12, 2000 from Bremerton, USA

"I believe I should be free to kill libertarians.Does this make me a libertarian?"
From :kenneth t.kendrick
Monday, June 26, 2000 from wheeling, usa

"I believe I should be free to kill libertarians.Does this make me a libertarian?"
From :kenneth t.kendrick
Monday, June 26, 2000 from wheeling, usa

"Oh ya, check out the 3-D Maze on a cube in space along with Future Quest on Thanks"
From :Robert
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 from Bib Bear, USA

"I like the fact that my last name preceeds a space habitat concept (the Bernal Sphere). Perhaps the automated foundation robots (self replicating) could actually build millions of these cities. . . Once the nanotube fabrication process becomes part of the robots work! The First Millennial Foundation link is now (it's a link from my site)"
From :Robert
Tuesday, May 9, 2000 from Big Bear, USA

"I can't find what I'm looking for...this sight is misleading. You people need lives, for crying out loud!!! Grrrr..."
From :Venus DeMeilo
Monday, May 8, 2000 from Portland, USA

"Cuando veo la cantidad de gente que trabaja en estos temas me convenzo que las teorias de O'neill se haran realidad, escribi un trabajo en 1988 y me llevo un anio reunir informacion, hoy en 10 minutos encontre 100 veces mas informacion , y el hecho de que en los colegios se trabaje sobre el tema ,a mi jucio asegura el futuro, nos veremos un dia proximo en isla I como lo sonio o'neill!!!!"
From :Carlos Grimberg
Saturday, February 19, 2000 from Naharia, Israel

" This site is very interesting, I've visited it several times. However, I kinda have to wonder if anyone is updating this site would be nice to have up to date info on the site. Maybe someone would be interested in taking on the job if the current admin isn't doing it... just an idea. "
From :Jymz
Tuesday, November 30, 1999 from Vancouver, Canada

"I wish you would check the financial link. Discard the one you have and find more reliable ones.This site is ok but it needs to be updated. I have no interst in our moon but I would like to live on mars. "
From :John Wayne Smith
Sunday, November 21, 1999 from leesburg, USA

"An interesting site, however the material is *seriously* out of date and needs to have more (active) links to resources on the net, rather than reconstructions of them. Is anyone working on this site anymore? What's its source of funding?"
From :Todd Austin
Friday, February 19, 1999 from Ann Arbor, USA

"I got your adress from ANALOG. You have a site that is both fun & intresting."
From :Lonnie Batton
Thursday, October 1, 1998 from Lake Providence, USA

"I got your adress from ANALOG. You have a site that is both fun intresting."
From :Lonnie Batton
Thursday, October 1, 1998 from Lake Providence, USA

"Don't let the bastards grind you down!! Fight on,We Will Win,the Revolution is coming!! "
From :Caoimhin O'Gallachoir
Friday, August 28, 1998 from Belfast, Ireland

"I`d like to see a city of blimps at edge of atmosphere"
From :Tim White
Wednesday, August 26, 1998 from Chapel Hill, US

"We were off line for a month or so because the old ISP was bought out and my own private server was laying on the bench in bits in Belfast whilst I was in New York. We're back on line and I'd appreciate knowing if anything broke in the move. Dale Amon, I1S webmaster"
From :Dale Amon
Tuesday, August 11, 1998 from Belfast, UK

"I keep coming back to your site. I have been a libertarian at heart for many years, the development of the solar system is one of my pet interests. Can I help?"
From :David Cooper
Monday, May 25, 1998 from Mundaring, Australia

"My name is Al Coholic"
From :Hugh Gass
Friday, May 1, 1998 from Amanda, Sd

"I actually build biosphere domes commercially. We raise fruits, vegetables, herbs and fish for supermarkets, etc. I think people who do this sort of work, or their kids, will be a logical choice for future 'colonists'."
From :Rudy Behrens
Sunday, April 26, 1998 from Collegeville, usa

"Your site is so cool, we're giving it an award. Check out for your place in the Free Space Awards!"
From :Jim Davidson
Monday, December 8, 1997 from Houston, USA

"Just found this site and am highly impressed. As is another guest, I am a writer. My weakness is in the civc infrastructure of a Bernal Sphere design. It looks as though I'll find all the info I need in here(eventually)."
From :John Roush
Tuesday, December 2, 1997 from St. Petersburg, USA

"I'm overwhelmed by the sites offered here. I'm not sure about the path, but, I found my way to a heavy-duty law site. I am a writer trying to find information on "Indentured Servitude," stowaways and refugees. (I write science fiction.) At the time of this post, my e-mail is not in-service. I hope to have it up soon."
From :Lea Wellner
Saturday, August 16, 1997 from Minneapolis, USA

"I'm overwhelmed by the sites offered here. I'm not sure about the path, but, I found my way to a heavy-duty law site. I am a writer trying to find information on "Indentured Servitude," stowaways and refugees. (I write science fiction.) At the time of this post, my e-mail is not in-service. I hope to have it up soon."
From :Lea Wellner
Saturday, August 16, 1997 from Minneapolis, USA

"Terrific site, very informative:)"
From :Francis Fanego
Wednesday, June 4, 1997 from Ottawa, Canada

"If you have a few ideas or knowledge of some resources on space settlement, please drop them off here. And if you really want a good discussion, join the artemis mail list. You can find it by visiting the main artemis web site that we link to at the top of the page."
From :Dale Amon
Wednesday, April 9, 1997 from Belfast, NI

"I've finally gotten the guest book in. Enjoy!"
From :Dale Amon
Wednesday, April 9, 1997 from Belfast, NI