Dale Amon


Born 27-May-50

Where: Miami,Florida;

Dale has been involved in front line computer research since the early 70's. He worked in Artificial Intelligence research under Nobel Laureate Dr. Herbert Simon; directed software R&D in a startup company that created some of the earliest intelligent buildings; worked in robotics and computer vision at the Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU) Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh; did research in direct manipulation user interfaces at the Computer Music Lab of the CMU School of Computer Science under a NASA grant; set up the Internetworking within the Queens University of Belfast Computer Science Department; and in between helped start up a number of technology ventures. He has been a NeXTstep developer from the earliest days of the NeXT computer. He is currently a director of Genesis Project Ltd, the first commercial internet service provider in Northern Ireland.

Besides computer technology, he has been heavily involved in Space policy, particularly that relating to commercial space development. He has worked with and chaired international space development conferences; has been on the Board's of Directors of the National Space Society, the L5 Society and the Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group; was one of the prepublications reviewers of "Engines of Creations" (KE Drexler) and "Mind Children" (H Moravec); has authored policy papers for the Libertarian Party; has authored technical papers, one of which is an invited paper on Nanotechnology in the August 1994 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.

He also has a life long history of work in music and theater and is a member of the Performing Right Society / Irish Music Right Organization (PRS/IMRO). Dale was the winner of the Front Page Songwriter of the Year Award in Belfast (the major music venue in Belfast) and is chairman of the Belfast Songwriters Session. He currently plays acoustic guitar in folk, blues and jazz veins and has over 25 songs copyrighted in the US and UK. He has performed in venues and on radio stations in both the north and south of Ireland and in america and at one time or another has worked in acoustic folk, rock and jazz fusion bands.

He is included in the 12th and 13th editions of "Who's Who in the World" and has also been invited for entry in the American Biographical Institutes "5000 Personalities of the World, 5th Edition" and the Dictionary of International Biography, 24th edition..

For more detailed information, refer to my CV.