Dale M Amon

WorkMail:		Dale Amon
			c/o Scott-Baird & Co 
			Ardbeg, Drominane
			Killeagh, Co Cork, Ireland
OfficePhone:		+44 (0)7802 188325
Email:			amon@vnl.com


BS 1973, Carnegie-Mellon University, Electrical Engineering Department. Computer option and minor in Cognitive Psychology.

3 semesters of graduate work under Dr. Herbert Simon (Nobel laureate) in a multidisciplinary program involving Psychology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments. Left to join a startup company.


1969-1972	Carnegie-Mellon University Electrical Engineering Department. 
		Machine shop, inventory work, design of lab power

1972		Mellon Institute. Research Assistant. 
		Design and construction of interfaces between an NMR 
		Spectrometer, a plotter and a PDP-8 computer.

1972-1973	Carnegie-Mellon University. Teaching Assistant.
		Freshman Electrical Engineering under Dr. Teare and a 
		graduate level programming course under Dr. Daniel Siewiorek.

1973-1976	Compuguard Corporation (US). First employee.
		Varied experience; machining, drafting, digital and analog
		design, PC layout, PC prototyping, purchasing, QA, QC,
		software design, data collection and analysis, proposal
		and report writing, marketing assistance and many other

1976-1978	Compuguard Corporation (US). Software Department Manager.
		Peak of 15 persons. Managed the fielding of first product
		lines of the corporation.

1978-1979	Compuguard Corporation (US). Independent Research.
		Developed PDP-11 and LSI-11 drivers and software packages.
		Multi-terminal device independent graphics and intelligent
		user interfaces based on a tree search through a menu space.

1979-1981	Compuguard Corporation (US) (Brown Boveri Compuguard as of 4/80)
		Firmware Department Manager.
		Design leader on state of the art distributed process 
		control system with distributed process database. Handled
		issues of failsoft operation, link loss, local autonomy,
		database coherency. Developed a full realtime OS from scratch
		that was still in use at customer sites a decade later.

1981		Brown Boveri Control Systems Inc (US). Staff Scientist.
		General problem solving activities. Resident expert on DEC
		hardware and software.

1982		DMA Systems Inc (US). President. 
		One person consulting firm.

1983-1984	Pribadi Systems Group (US). Vice President.
		Color graphic displays for building automation systems
		using IBM-PC's as central control computer.

1984-1985	Carnegie-Mellon University Robotics Institute. Research
 		Computer vision research. Edge and corner detection using
		light stripe technique with IR laser striper on a Puma
		Robot arm for opportunistic investigation of objects.
		Unix environment, 3d graphics, interprocessor links.

1985-June 1989	Carnegie-Mellon University Computer Science Department.
		Research Programmer. 
		Work on human interfaces using mouse and gesture sensing
		input devices. Design of system independent control panel
		building program in XLISP. Support for XLISP interpreter.
		Unix environment. Andrew and X11 windows. VAX, Sun2 and 
		RT's. Object oriented programming.

Jan 1989-Jul 1989	MicroMed Corporation (US). Consultant, Principal
		Software Engineer.
		Design of medical instrumentation using modern object
		oriented and AI techniques on a NeXT workstation. Software
		configuration control, standards, development environment,
		QA/QC procedures design.

Jul 1989-Nov 1990	MicroMed Corporation (US). Northern Ireland Representative.
		Responsible for liaison with Northern Ireland business,
		financial and technical contacts. System/subsystem level
		design and specification for a medical instrumentation
		product line. 

Nov 1990-Oct 1991	Visual Information Systems Ltd (NI). Consultant.
		Responsible for set up of a PC based facility for generating
		animation sequences and downloading them to customer sites.

Jan 1991-June 1993	Queens University Belfast, Computer Science Department. 
		Research Programmer/Teaching Assistant.
		Research in Direct Manipulation Interfaces, gestures, Agora 
		systems on the NeXT Computer. Systems and adminstration
		support for a network of NeXT Unix workstations. Internet
		domain administrator for the department.  Creation of 
		heterogeneous internetworked computing environment. General
		purpose campus C and Unix Guru. NeXT Campus Consultant. 
		Creation and presentation of training courses on Unix, C, 
		Object Oriented Programming and the NeXT computer. 
		Demonstrator on hardware and assembly programming course (91)
		and administrator of the hardware course (92).

Jan 1993-Nov 1997 	Genesis Project Ltd (NI), Technical Director
		Design of GIS and Real Estate point of sale package using 
		NeXTStep and Objective-C. Set up of Northern Ireland's 
		first commercial internet service. DNS, routing and software
		systems for internal automation in Perl, C, html and mSQL.
		Set up of several of the first web sites in Northern Ireland.

Jan 1993-June 1998	 Queens University Belfast, School of Music, Consultant
		Consulting and System Admin for NeXT Computers in the music

Nov 1997-2001	Village Networking Ltd (NI), MD/CEO
		Founder and director. High end Internet consulting,
		cybercast engineering, product development. Managed
		moving and set up of ISP's; Linux systems integration
		and product development. Unix systems admin and security.

Apr 1999-2001		Wireless Citynet Ltd, (NI), Board member
Aug 2000-2001		WirelessCity.Net Ltd, (NI), Staff Scientist, Board member
Aug 2000-Feb 2003	First Commercial Holdings Ltd, (IE), Board member

Nov 2001-Feb 2003	Village Networking (Ireland) Ltd, Director
		High end Internet consulting, Linux based high security product line under
		development; prime contractor for ITTI's banking and secure trading system.

Mar 2003-present Independent consulting. High end Internet consulting; bespoke debian linux based
		systems; security; critical systems development; system and application software 
		development; webcast on-demands editor for major JPMorgan investor conferences; 
		Perl and C system prototyping; system level design studies. Customers include
		XCOR Aerospace, MAPDigital, Barnhard Associates and Odyssey Consortium.

Sep 2006-present	Wyoming Space and Information Systems (WYSIS), VP Information Systems
		Management of NewSpace information systems design and deployment.


Colleague, Space Studies Institute (SSI).
National Space Society Board of Directors, 1987. Candidate for 2004-2007 term.
L5 Society Board of Directors, Mid Atlantic Regional Director 1984,86.
Pittsburgh L5 Chapter: founder 82; president 82-85; VP R&D 86-87.
Prepublication reviewer, "Engines of Creation", K.Eric Drexler.
Prepublication reviewer, "Mind Children", Hans Moravec.
Spacepac Chapters Coordinator 1984-1987.
Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Chairman of Northeast Regional Space Development Conference, Pittsburgh 1984.
Manager of banquet, luncheon, open, closing. 4th Space Development Conference, Wash., DC 1985.
Testified before President's National Commission on Space, 1986.
Chairman 6th Space Development Conference, Pittsburgh 1987.
Pennsylvania State Delegate, 1987 Libertarian National Convention.
Pennsylvania elector for Libertarian Party, 1988.
Author of space policy statements for the Ron Paul presidential campaign, Libertarian Party, 1988.
Registered NeXT Computer software developer.
Permanent member, Mikkelsen Award Governing Board (for the first woman to set foot on the moon).
Member Alcor Life Extension Foundation.
Chairman and Founder, The Songwriters Session, Belfast (1992-1998).
Member, Performing Right Society (1992-1995).
Member, Irish Music Right Organization (1995-).
Songwriter of The Year, The Front Page music awards, Belfast (1993).
Molecular Manufacturing Shortcut Group Board of Directors (1993-).
Who's Who in the World, 12th, 13th and 14th Editions.
Invited for American Biographical Institute 5000 Personalities of the World, 5th Edition.
Invited for Dictionary of International Biography, 24th edition.
Wrote several Object Classes now included in MiscKit.
Ireland contact for the Artemis Society International (1995-).
Member, Artemis Electronic Communications Technical Committee (1995-?).
Charter Member, Lunar Entrepreneurs Association (1997-?).
National Space Society Conferences Committee Chairman (2002-present)
Libertarian Samizdata, Assistant Editor (2001-?).
National Space Society Archives Committee Chairman (2005-present)
National Space Society Award for Excellence (2007)


"A Gesture Based User Interface Prototyping System", Roger B. Dannenberg and Dale Amon, User Interface Software and Technologies '89 Conference (UIST '89). abstract

"The Impact of Molecular Engineering on Spacecraft Information Systems". Invited paper, special issue on nanotechnology, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, Aug 1994.

"Rethinking the Moon Buggy". Moon Miners Manifesto, Dec 95, #91, p9-10


I have 10 hours solo time in a Cessna 150, dual time in both 150's and 172's. I was a part owner of the Cessna 172. I passed my written FAA exam at one time but was unable to complete my training for financial reasons.

I worked as both an amateur and a professional in theater during the 1970's. Jobs included: actor, electrician, lighting designer, technical director, producer and stage carpenter. I also was a guitarist, vocalist and song writer with several bands during the same period. I have performed on radio and at festivals in the US and Ireland. I hold a US Copyright on two collections totalling 24 songs. I organized a Cooperation North cultural exchange between Belfast and Galway in summer 1992. Organized a songwriter tour of several american cities in summer 1994. I have operated the online archives of the Internet based "Space Digest" since 1992; have been a keeper of those archives since the mid 80's and a contributor since 1984.

Hobbies have included skiing, hiking, rock climbing, stamp and coin collecting, and model building.

I have been "bylined" and occasionally paid for articles in national publications of up to 20,000 circulation. I have been a guest speaker on the commercial space business at numerous conferences and meetings.