Contact:	Ron Robertson, Founder,  at

(Research Triangle Park, NC) The growing capital gap between large and small businesses has long been a topic of debate. Until now, the response has been one of all talk and no action. Not anymore. An ambitious young company, Uniform Capital Access Network (UCAN), is tackling this capital gap head-on. "The money is there, but there is no mechanism by which to access it," says founder Ron Robertson. "UCAN combines technology with SEC small business initiatives to facilitate funding for entrepreneurial efforts." UCAN has derived an inexpensive solution to the capital gap--the Uniform Public Offering (UPO).

The UPO is made possible by recent changes within the securities regulations. In 1992, the Securities and Exchange Commission simplified the process of going public by revising Rule 504 of Regulation D. Rule 504 now allows companies to raise up to $1 million a year through uniform limited public offerings. Many states have already responded by coordinating their own securities laws and regulations with Rule 504.

Accompanying Rule 504 is the U-7 form, which standardizes the securities registration process. The U-7 is the UPO standard. It allows your average business owner, with minimal professional assistance, to go public quickly, easily, and inexpensively. The cost of filing a UPO is about one-tenth the costs of filing in the traditional way.

The UPO facilitates the funding of small businesses by linking entrepreneurs with state regulators, investors, lawyers, CPAs, financial consultants and other venture engineers. UCAN has developed an expert software program that generates the U-7 necessary for business owners and their professional advisors to complete a UPO. The software, called UCANow! for Windows, comes with on-line help and sample U-7s to guide the user through the documentation process. UCANow! for Windows is currently distributed exclusively through UCAN.

But that is just the beginning. The real benefit of the UPO lies in the computerized network and bulletin boards that put these companies in touch with potential investors. This service, called UCANet, creates a mechanism for these investors to watch their venture investments and diversify their investment portfolios. Investors finally have access to ground floor opportunities that meet regulatory, disclosure, and due diligence requirements. UCANet strictly adheres to regulations that reduce the risks of "penny stock" scams and securities violations such as those recently uncovered on other electronic networks.

Protecting the interests of entrepreneurs and investors alike, UCAN actively promotes the true spirit of entrepreneurship. By bridging the capital gap, UCAN indirectly provides for more entrepreneurial efforts, thereby creating greater economic wealth for all Americans.

Remember to look at UCAN's web pages

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ARCHIVAL DOCUMENT. See Venture Bound Ltd for current information.