Venture Bound Press Release

The Entrepreneurial Journey - Get there from here SM

Venture Bound Ltd. has announced its new website, Venture Bound Web, located on the Internet at The site is designed for early stage entrepreneurs and investors to discover what goes into a prospectus and the due diligence process that precedes. "Gaining some insight into the prospectus planning and preparation will allow each to gain some appreciation of each other's requirements," says Ron Robertson, Founder.

The predecessor to Venture Bound, Uniform Capital Access Network, Inc. (UCAN), developed many of the tools for use over the Internet. The Form U-7 and the Small Company Offering Registration (SCOR) process gives a comprehensive framework for both the entrepreneur and the investor alike to get up to speed on the registration process and disclosure requirements. Learning about what is involved in the financing process helps both to insure better informed investment decisions.

Venture Bound Web recruits and facilitates direct investment opportunities in high impact companies for accredited investors, including venture capitalists. Many sophisticated and accredited investors are willing to assume higher risks for higher returns to diversify their investment portfolios and retirement plans. But the transaction costs associated with the required due diligence for development stage companies are high. These normal underwriting functions are duplicated by each investor creating redundancies and market inefficiencies. Venture Bound overcomes these investment obstacles by utilizing Internet technologies within the regulatory framework.

These investors can now participate directly in ground-floor opportunities that they never would have known to exist. With the Venture Bound Model, they become hands-on investors without having the high transaction cost of conducting their own due diligence. They can invest smaller dollar amounts per company, participate with other investors and diversify their portfolio in venture deals already priced and structured for direct participation. Venture Bound's simple direct approach helps investors realize their expected returns when the entrepreneur knows what is required. This is where IPOs come from.

A properly designed and operated computer network can increase productivity in the capital formation process without sacrificing regulatory compliance. Venture Bound intends to work through attorneys, CPAs, registered advisors, investment bankers and venture capitalists to give the entrepreneur the help deserved. "We have already had positive feedback from these professionals to assist in the development and distribution of private placements," says Mr. Robertson.

Once qualified, these entrepreneurs and investors can participate in Venture Bound's private exchange, which is planned to be a natural extension of already existing "third market" players. A computer's indifference makes it the most effective mechanism for uniform unbiased information transmittal to the largest party of people. With the Venture Bound Model, the electronic system itself becomes the market maker.

Venture Bound Ltd. is an electronic venture development management company providing expert management resources for entrepreneurial endeavors nationwide. To find out more, contact Ron Robertson at 1658 Long's Mill Road, Blanch, NC 27212 or call 336-234-9421 or email

Wednesday, April 12, 2000

Ron Robertson
Venture Bound Ltd.
1658 Long's Mill Road
Blanch, NC 27212

Voice: 336-234-9421